Friday, January 6, 2012

Purse peek and weak apologies

You don't have to tell me, I know. August was a very very very long time ago. Any excuse will sound weak. One of them is that it is very very difficult to take full-body outfit shots of yourself. Tripods, self-timers, places well-lit enough but also long enough to fit my entire body into the frame... I need a live-in photographer. If only my dog Sadie had opposable thumbs.

The good news is that I will hopefully (crossing fingers and toes, here) be doing some fashion videos in the near future. If not, then making a serious serious effort to dedicate time to this fashion blog as well as my beauty blog. But again, the photo dilemma. Perhaps you'll just have to deal with some... experimental... photography for a while.

In the meantime, I bought two new purses while in Florida (and a new wristlet but these are much more exciting). Just now realizing that I should have mirrored one of these shots instead of having both on the left. Oh well. Details. They are both small envelope-ish, chain strap styles, which is a new concept to me and utterly useless in the winter time. But come spring, these will be in full rotation.

I will write soon. Hold me to it.

xo Chloe

Pink bag: Michael Kors
Leopard bag: J.Crew