Friday, July 1, 2011

Fangirl Supreme: Meeting Prince William!

I'm about to head off to the cottage, but I thought I'd post a quick picture of me (or my hand!) shaking hands with Prince William yesterday! I'll do a post a bit later with more details and I have some video too, but I'm running late!

I was inspired by Kate for my look, I wore my American Eagle highwaisted denim shorts and a beige Michael Kors short sleeved sweater! Simple, classy, but casual!

Anyway, here's William! He was so lovely!

He was so close I couldn't fit his whole face in. Aaaaah.

xox Chloe


  1. Oh my goodness! How exciting is it that you got to meet Prince William?! Or is it the Duke of Cambridge now? And Kate! Completely jealous! Can't wait to read your more detailed post!

    I've written a post on my blog like the Youtube video tag "What I Love About You" - check it out because you were one of the bloggers/youtubers I listed! Thought you'd like to know you're appreciated :)

  2. Haha I think he's officially the Duke of Cambridge, but let's just call him Prince William ;) I'm working on editing together my videos and photos from Canada Day, hopefully I'll have it up soon!

    and thank you!! You've totally made my day!
